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Sean's PocketShip - almost there

PostPosted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 12:25 am
by sean
Hello everyone,
Though at times it seemed the sanding, painting, filling in holes, making holes would never end, my boat is now out of the garage and onto its trailer. Such a feeling after a whole lot of hours leading up to this point.

Check out the most recent photos:

Also, for those still in the 'what outboard' debate, here is another option: the 2.3 hp honda. Same size and weight, though not likely any quieter. (see photos of mounted outboard at link above). Seems the 2hp is typically enough, but I always had the hesitation of, for just a bit more weight you can get a lot more power! So when I walked into the store to finally see them in person, the sales guy directed me to the 2.3 which I didn't even know was available during quite of lot of internet shopping. Will let you know how it works once I'm on the water - perhaps in another month or so.

As I still have a bit to go, a couple items I was pondering and wondering if anyone has any input to share: seat cushions and boat cover. I definitely like the idea of the sealed cushions like on John's CLC PocketShip, but they are bit pricer than I expected. Are making fabric seats any cheaper, or preferable for other reasons? And do some of you do just fine on camp cushions?

I will be storing it outdoors, so will need to cover it, especially once the sails are on. Of course there are the all-purpose tarps, but seems they are not a great long term option. I could get a simple sail cover, but I would also like something to keep the varnish and paint lasting longer. Wondering how well a complete cover would work with all the structure extending above the boat (i.e. would the cover act like a sail if it's windy?).


Re: Sean's PocketShip - almost there

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:38 am
by jwv630

She's really lookin' good! Congrats. Shoot us some pics of the christening. Where do you sail?

Jimmy Vitale

Re: Sean's PocketShip - almost there

PostPosted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:35 am
by tattoo
Nice job Sean. My Tattoo has covers for her cockpit and anchor deck. You'll need "ridge poles" to avoid water pooling and to shed snow, leaves, pollen, bird stuff, etc. I left Tattoo on her trailer (w/ridge poles in place) at a canvas shop and they made the covers. Later, I'll post photos of her covers and the ridge poles.

Re: Sean's PocketShip - almost there

PostPosted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 9:43 am
by decurtis
If you have the room you might consider a portable garage for storage. We have good success with the one we purchased for $549; it has survived 2 harsh Canadian prairie winters with no signs of wear and tear. Photos and details are available here are my now neglected blog. You just have to make sure you get a model that has a door opening tall enough to accommodate the height of the mast and boom gallows. The model we purchased has a door height of 8'6".
Some people report that these garages do not stand up to wind or snow load but I think the secret is in good anchoring. Our garage has 3' auger anchors at the corners and 18" anchors at all of the vertical supports and has survived storms coming off the lake (only 150 ' away) with sustained winds of 55 MPH.
We also last year purchased a sail cover kit to protect the sails and rigging from the spiders who seemed to find a cozy home there during the winter storage period.

Re: Sean's PocketShip, Garage Sail, is Launched!

PostPosted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 12:36 am
by sean
Another Pocketship is finished! We launched 'Garage Sail' last Saturday at Cachuma Lake here is southern California. A beautiful day with light winds. Will be ready for more wind next time, but was perfect for a new boat and a rusty sailer.

Check out more photos at: ... /index.php

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