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Boston Project.... & Epoxy Questions...

PostPosted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 10:09 pm
by aschilpp
Hello All,

I have been following the progress of this forum for quite a few months now and have decided to throw my proverbial hat into the ring and include a link to my blog as well. As a side note, my blog is meant for my friends and I mostly so try not to get offended by something I may have said that is unrelated to my boat project. (I tend to rant from time to time, usually it's amusing but I feel the need to include this disclaimer nonetheless)

As for my actual question: Seeing as that this is New England, and the number of days above 60 degrees this year has likely already dropped below 1, I have switched to the "fast" hardener for my epoxy mix. Are there any downsides to doing this? What would happen if epoxy began to cure at 60 degrees or so, but cooled down into the 30's at night, but was back in the 50's or so the next day? I will most likely be shifting to the "lamp & tent" method soon, but I'm trying to get all my fillets on the lower hull done before I have to limit the area of epoxy I can put down in any given day....


Love Sailing, Love Beer, Love Life, Harpoon!

Re: Boston Project.... & Epoxy Questions...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:03 am
by mtsailor
Welcome to he forum. I'm working in a cold garage now and the epoxy just takes longer to set at lower temps. Instead of overnight, it might be a day before it's hard. No problem. Build-on & good luck. Jer

Re: Boston Project.... & Epoxy Questions...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 1:09 pm
by mtsailor
I finished shaping the transom skirt cap last night at around 5 PM and sealed it with a coat of resin, using slow hardener. It was set up hard and sandable this morning. The temp in the garage, my shop, was in the low-mid-50's. Jer

Re: Boston Project.... & Epoxy Questions...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 4:24 pm
by linseyt
What a great blog - thanks for posting the link. Great way to spend time, watching other people get on with what I plan to start in the Spring. Love the asides too - I once dated a masterbrewer (last worked for Coors that I heard) - definitely a particular sense of humour ;)