Using 9mm instead of 6mm for companionway top?

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Using 9mm instead of 6mm for companionway top?

Postby decurtis on Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:27 pm

Due to a mistake in ordering I am one sheet of 6mm plywood short. I used the tight layout and have an extra sheet of 9mm. I was able to cut all the required 6mm pieces with some rearranging except for the companionway hood and slide top. Can I substitute 9mm or will it not have enough give or bend to fit the curve required? The clearance gap between the hood and slide is at least 3/8" so I am assuming reducing it by 1/8" will not be a problem.

Dave C.
Posts: 132
Joined: Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:38 pm
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Re: Using 9mm instead of 6mm for companionway top?

Postby John C. Harris on Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:45 pm

I can't imagine why 9mm would be a problem on the companionway hood and slide. Just make sure the grain is running fore-and-aft, not athwartships, or it won't make the bend.
John C. Harris
Posts: 182
Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:39 pm

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