Amount of wood flour and Cell-o-fill needed

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Amount of wood flour and Cell-o-fill needed

Postby decurtis on Tue Mar 03, 2009 12:24 pm

The Pocketship materials list requires 10 lbs of wood flour which seems reasonable considering the number of fillets required but the 25 lbs of Cell-o-fill seems like a lot to this novice boat builder. Each 1/2 gallon of Cell-o-fill is about .5 lbs so more than 50 containers would be needed or $500 worth. From my research 25 lbs of Cab-o-sil costs about $270 but you need twice as much of it to get the same thickness as Cell-o-fill. I would prefer to use Cell-o-fill since evidently it doesn't float around as easily. I would appreciate anyone confirming how much thickener (Cell-o-fill or Cab-o-sil) I need for gluing joints before I place an order.

Dave C.
Posts: 132
Joined: Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:38 pm
Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

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