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Better Fillets

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 8:40 pm
by Desert Jay
While talking to Joey, at CLC, I commented about my filleting adventures and how I was unhappy about many of them. So he gave me a great tip. Adding a little cel-o-fil to the brown epoxy mix does wonders. It makes the fillets smoother when spreading and avoids those annoying caverns that occur midway through a good fillet when the tool drags the sticky epoxy. The cel-o-fil decreases the stickiness of the fillet. My best fillets were done this way. I wish I learned this trick a bit earlier because I have some ugly fillets. He suggested a small amount of cel-o-fil- like a 3:7 ratio (cel-o-fil to wood flour). The woodflour is important for its binding properties so you can't skimp on it.
