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Builders in Perth or Australia

PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 8:24 am
by Dave Archer
Does anyone know of any other Pocketship builders in Perth Australia? How many are there in Australia? Mine is no near completion. The Paint in on the bottom and will soon flip it back over to complete the top sides, then onto the spars. Is there any register of boat numbers?

Dave Archer

Re: Builders in Perth or Australia

PostPosted: Mon Apr 01, 2013 8:26 pm
by bobsastro
Dear Dave, haven't been looking at the forum too much lately, but just happened across your post. Sorry I hadn't seen it, as I finished Sandpiper in November here in Sydney, and have been sailing it since early December, mainly in Pittwater or Lake Macquarie. You'll find a few posts from me during that period, while I've wrestled with trying to store it in my garage (I built a folding tabernacle and removeable boom gallows). Please give me a ring sometime on 0412 232110, and I'll give you my direct email so you can ask any questions. I've attached an image, although you can see more on the post about the launch. I asked John about boat numbers when I was at your stage, and he said he was thinking about it. I suspect I'm #1, and you're #2. There are a couple of prospective builders here on the East Coast.
Bob Fuller