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Fiberglass Tape

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 12:53 pm
by jwv630
Hi Everyone:

I'm now fiberglassing the interior of the hull. Lookin' pretty good overall - but made a mess of it in the storage compartment just aft of bulkhead #1. I put down the fiberglass with initial coat of epoxy on 1 side of the boat. Lots of air pockets, some large, mainly along the seams. I've cut them out, sanded, and refilled some of the deeper pockets with unthickened epoxy. I'm somewhat concerned that I've sanded the fiberglass off in places and am considering putting a layer of fiberglass tape on the seams and keel now; then finish with several more coats of epoxy.

Question is: Must the fiberglass tape be laid down onto a new wet fillet on top of the current fillets that are there? Or can I just lay the tape down on the fiberglass and coat it with several coats of unthickened epoxy?? I hope this makes sense.........

Many thanks
Jimmy V

Re: Fiberglass Tape

PostPosted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:09 pm
by craig
It's no problem fiberglassing without putting down a wet fillet. Just make sure the hull is sanded smooth and whatever holes were left when you sanded away the bubbles have been filled with thickened epoxy. You want it to be perfectly smooth so that the new fiberglass tape will adhere without itself forming bubbles.