Aft cabin bulkhead interior finishing

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Aft cabin bulkhead interior finishing

Postby Mflyer65 on Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:07 pm

I am attaching the cabin bulkhead now and wondering if I should finish the interior side of the aft cabin to some degree beforehand and saving some work on the interior finishing efforts. Seems easier to do this on a flat surface first. I am thinking of just having it finished out with a nice epoxy finish. Anyone have thoughts on this? I can rough up the areas where fillets will be made or tape them off and touch up later but could use some advice on how others dealt with this surface.
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Re: Aft cabin bulkhead interior finishing

Postby riverron on Mon Oct 07, 2019 6:59 pm

I think it will be personal preference. I left mine with epoxy only finish. I just liked the look. I also left the ceiling clear finished. Everything else is painted. When you flip the boat, the area is easy to reach and that is when I finished with epoxy. This is also when I finished the painting on the side walls.

I would dry fit the aft cabin wall along with the seat back panels. I had to adjust the location of the aft cabin wall so the seat back panels would fit right. Other builders have come up 1/2” short and had to resolve. Just something to be aware of.

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Re: Aft cabin bulkhead interior finishing

Postby Mflyer65 on Mon Oct 07, 2019 8:28 pm

Thanks Ron,
Great suggestion regarding finishing when upside down and especially the issue with seatback fit to the bulkhead !
I also plan to finish the rest of the interior with just clear epoxy. How did you deal with the interior joint where the rear bulkhead meets the deck. I know it shows to place fiberglass tape across the aft side of the bulkhead but have been looking at the issue of a smooth finish there.
Thanks again,

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Re: Aft cabin bulkhead interior finishing

Postby riverron on Tue Oct 08, 2019 5:59 am

With the interior joint, I didn’t finish it until after I flipped over. Take a look at my blog for June 2019. I had some measurement error that I had to adjust the angle back, so the seat back panels didn’t line up. So it was either a gap on the outside with both seat backs or a gap inside where the aft cabin wall meets the seat at the bottom. This is why I brought it up.

I chose the inside. My fix was to put a small piece of wood all the way across. I show in the picture. You may or may not run into this. I do recall John from Texas put the same piece in. That’s where I go the same idea. Not sure if it was for the same reason though.

But if you don’t have the gap,I think it would be easier to run the fiberglass tape when flipped over. You would not be working upside down. The outside finish was a big fillet with tape.

Hope this helps and makes sense.

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Re: Aft cabin bulkhead interior finishing

Postby Mflyer65 on Tue Oct 08, 2019 9:22 am

Thanks Ron,
Yes, I had to move the cabin bulkhead aft 3/8 inch to meet the seatbacks. I think the trim board is a good idea and will add a bit of additional strength.
Thanks for saving me a bunch of headaches down the road!
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