Epoxy Bubbles

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Epoxy Bubbles

Postby SHyland83 on Sat Apr 04, 2009 1:58 pm

So for some reason i have a ton of little bubbles on the surface of the epoxy on the inside of one of my hull panels. I sanded it down with 80 grit so far and the surface feels smooth but you can see lit the little holes from the bubbles. Do you think i need to sand the bubbles totally out, or can i get away with leaving it along and let the paint smooth out the surface. The holes are very tiny. Also anyone know why this could have happened so i can avoid it in the future?

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Location: Oakdale, NY

Re: Epoxy Bubbles

Postby mtsailor on Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:01 pm

Applying glass/resin to bare wood when the work area's temperature is rising and the wood is outgassing could be the cause of small air bubbles in the resin. Best to apply glass/resin when the work area air temp is dropping, such as in the evening, so the wood will suck the resin in as the air in the wood is cooling and contracting. The tiny bubbles shouldn't be of concern if they will be under a coat of paint. Good luck. Jer (aka mtsailor)
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