Hard To Reach

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Hard To Reach

Postby herbt on Sat Feb 08, 2014 4:02 pm

Making good progress on the Dream Catcher. Have completed the spars, rudder, tiller, boom gallows, centerboard. Have the keel and hull stitched and tabbed. only problem is having a hard time reaching to center to do a proper job of filetting and glassing. finally decided to start at the stern and do the glassing section by section as I work my way in.
Any tips??

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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby JonLee on Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:14 pm

You should be able to climb around inside your boat. I put a small piece of plywood across the floors to create a working platform and help distribute the stresses of me tromping around in my pre-filleted boat.
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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby herbt on Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:50 pm

thanks, I guess getting in is the only way. Was just reluctant to start putting undue pressure on the bottom but so far it is working out ok.
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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby truenorth on Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:13 am

If you're comfortable with the tack welds you made, then you can carefully enter the boat as Jon says. If you're not, and you can reach in there, then a step stool would work. That's what I did. I'm as graceful as an aardvark (are they graceful? I don't know) and didn't trust my tack welds. After the full fillets, you'll be OK.
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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby herbt on Wed Feb 12, 2014 3:27 pm

Tried going in on the tack welds and broke one right away so gave up on that idea. When I used a stool it was like working upside down so its in from the stern one section at a time and that is going good.
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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby John C. Harris on Mon Feb 24, 2014 12:19 pm

When Geoff Kerr and I were planning the construction of PocketShip #1, he was in the middle of a big stitch-and-glue boat of about the same general size and shape of PocketShip. Unlike PocketShip, it had no keel or keelson, and he was at seven's and nine's to reach the interior structure---it couldn't support his weight no matter what. He had to build a scaffolding over the boat so he could lay on his belly and reach down into the hull without putting any weight on it.

In that context, Geoff was delighted to have PocketShip's keelson to stand on. I made the keelson as wide as possible, and he was able to climb in and balance on that while he worked inside the hull.

No scaffolding needed, but make sure you have a really solid step-ladder so you can safely make the long stride down to the keelson.

As soon as you have everything stitched in, you can put in some temporary floorboards spanning the floor timbers and that gives you a solid working platform. As I told a correspondent this morning, it could be a lot worse: at big yards, where they build 40-footers in female molds, they sometimes have to suspend someone from a rope sling to work on the interior.

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John C. Harris
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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby herbt on Tue Feb 25, 2014 7:02 pm

Thanks for commenting John. I was able to tack weld everything with long fillet tools from outside the boat without getting in. I could reach the aft section behind BH 8 to fillet and glass from the outside and then work my way forward on the inside from there using temp floor boards always entering from the stern. I just completed glassing the inside today and am having a glass of wine to celebrate.

On another subject I plan on installing the bow eye prior to installing the fore deck after first shaping the bow and glassing the area where the bow eye is located. This will eliminate the need to reach through BHs 1 and 2 to tighten the bolts and also give plenty of visibility to ensure all is good and properly sealed..
Do you see any problems with this?

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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby DanaDCole on Wed Mar 05, 2014 12:23 pm

Or you could install a track on the ceiling joists and suspend a rolling trapeze from it. (Trying to be funny. Don't know if I succeeded or not.)
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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby herbt on Wed Mar 05, 2014 6:29 pm

not a bad idea, but I am done with the inside glass so I no longer have to monkey around with it.
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Re: Hard To Reach

Postby hood on Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:00 am

věřil jsem přesnosti plánu Johna a než jsem přilepil boční panely tak jsem vše olaminoval a udělal podlahu vše se mi dělalo pohodlně ve výšce pasu ale to už je pro tebe pozdě
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