Build Update from Australia

Welcome to! This bulletin board is for builders of the Chesapeake Light Craft-John C. Harris "PocketShip" design, a 15-foot micro cruiser sailboat built from a kit or plans.

For more information on PocketShip, click here:

This site gathers PocketShip builders in one place. Here you can share photos, tips, questions, and---eventually---your sailing adventures in PocketShip! CLC will also post design updates and tips here as they come up.

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Moderator: John C. Harris

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Build Update from Australia

Postby Hooky on Thu May 19, 2022 7:29 am

G'day to all PocketShip enthusiasts, I thought I would share an update on my PocketShip build Down Under.
With the available stock from the initial purchase I was able to complete the centerboard case, centerboard, keel, bulkheads,
frames and cradle.
Then the East Coast of Australia was hit with a weather condition called "La Niña" which caused non stop torrential rain and
severe flooding.
This in conjunction with Covid resulted in import delays and transportation issues obtaining the remaining 6mm marine grade
But finally the stock arrived and a clear weather window allowed me to transport the last 11 sheets of plywood to my workshop.
So I have been busy creating lots of dust, check out my progress on the blog"

Cheers Terry
Posts: 83
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2016 5:49 am
Location: Australia

Re: Build Update from Australia

Postby Dmitriy on Thu May 19, 2022 8:58 am

I read your blog regularly. Good job!
And nice hedgehog from clamps when stitch the bow ))
Posts: 61
Joined: Tue Jan 18, 2022 12:19 am

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