spinnaker blocking

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spinnaker blocking

Postby DanaDCole on Wed Apr 08, 2015 8:23 am

I was surprised that I could find no posts about this. On page 150 the manual says to place spinnaker blocking fore and aft of station 8. In the plans the blocking is shown fore and aft of bulkhead 7. I have been assuming that bulkheads and stations had the same numbers. Did I miss something? I.e., is the stem station 1, making bulkhead 7 station 8? Or is there a mistake either in the manual or plans?

I hope someone can give the answer to this soon--I was planning to install the blocks today. :-)
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Location: Stillwater, Oklahoma

Re: spinnaker blocking

Postby craig on Wed Apr 08, 2015 10:24 am

I hadn't noticed that. I believe the plans are correct; i.e. it's bulkhead 7 that you install at. The picture on page 150 shows one seatback frame between the blocking and the aft cabin wall. That corresponds to station/floor 6 in the plans. Anyway station 8 is too far back to put the blocks.

Are you going to use a spinnaker? My skills are FAR, FAR from good enough to figure that out right now. I installed these supports but wont mess with installing a spinnaker for a long time. I'm glad John uploaded that video showing how to hoist and tack it though.

- Craig
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Re: spinnaker blocking

Postby DanaDCole on Wed Apr 08, 2015 11:00 am

I agree Craig, the only thing that seems logical is BH7. BH8 is way too far back unless the spinnaker is really, really big. Another thing that occurs to me is I could look at some of the pictures and get a good idea of how far back the attachment is. I also have written a message to John Harris about it--want to be absolutely sure before I cut those curves and bevels.

I have no ability to use a spinnaker and probably never will, but I thought it best to install the blocking anyway. I might change my mind someday and learn to, or I could conceivably sell the boat.

Just looked at a picture and the attachment is definitely at BH7.
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Location: Stillwater, Oklahoma

Re: spinnaker blocking

Postby ddemasie on Tue Jun 02, 2015 12:19 pm

I had the same question when I was working on the blocking (last week). I went with the picture over the narrative. Small, simple mistake to make when putting the instructions together.
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