Rear Cabin Wall to Topside alignment and Front Deck

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Rear Cabin Wall to Topside alignment and Front Deck

Postby slash2 on Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:31 am

A two part question:

1. I'm starting to stitch in the topsides and everything seems to align pretty well except for where it hits the rear cabin wall (see picture). The profile of the cabin wall doesn't match up to the side-topside junction. The topside would have to do some serious bending to conform. I assume the thing to do is cut a straight line from the top corner to where the junction is, but I wanted to check if I'm missing something - it just seems so far off. The cabin wall is at the right angle. I did have to trim the bottom of the cabin wall at each end as the seats are a bit lower in the middle than the sides. That is why the top of the topside sits a bit proud of the top of sidewall.

2. At the bow, the front deck was extending a bit over the sides in places. I trimmed it flush with the sides, but now the topside wants to sit on it. I assume I should trim the deck back a bit so that the topside can sit right on the side?

This is a fun part of the build - it is suddenly taking shape!
CabinWallToTopside.jpg (86.26 KiB) Viewed 5108 times
Steve Sawtelle
Posts: 161
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:27 am

Re: Rear Cabin Wall to Topside alignment and Front Deck

Postby [email protected] on Mon Oct 25, 2021 10:58 am

I remember having a similar sort of issue when I fitted my rear cabin wall. There is a certain amount of uncertainty in its position, depending on how the main deck was fitted, and exactly where the front edge of the deck ends up. (Also it's not clear if the cabin wall should rest on the deck, or be flush with its bottom edge.) I had to do a similar sort of trimming. The good thing is that you could install the cabin wall a bit out of position, and it would not cause much trouble later on when the cabin roof and companionway are fitted. The roof pieces are quite a bit oversize, and are trimmed after installation.

BTW, make sure the cabin wall is not warped when you fix it in place. I clamped some temporary cleats on either side of the companionway opening to keep my cabin wall flat until the roof was glued into place.

[email protected]
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Location: Princeton, NJ

Re: Rear Cabin Wall to Topside alignment and Front Deck

Postby JonLee on Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:16 am

I had a similar problem on the port side. I think it is a symptom of the cockpit deck stringers not having been located in exactly the right spot, leading to the forward end of the cockpit deck being a little out of place. I trimmed the bottom of aft cabin wall so that the hull/topside corners where in the right place.
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Re: Rear Cabin Wall to Topside alignment and Front Deck

Postby slash2 on Mon Oct 25, 2021 11:22 am

Thanks all for the quick replies. I was kind of halted until I got this resolved and it's a beautiful day here for boat building! I'll trim to fit.

I have built a house and some furniture and there everything is square and precise. I'm finding with boat building that there is flexibility and a need to adapt. I'm enjoying it.
Steve Sawtelle
Posts: 161
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:27 am

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