Seat back Frames and Boards

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Seat back Frames and Boards

Postby riverron on Fri Jun 02, 2017 9:59 am

I am in the process of installing the seat back frames and I am a little puzzled. I have tried dry fitting the frames in a couple locations and they look like they stick up too high where ever I put them. Is the thought around the process to get them installed and then you will use a plane/grinder/sander to level out the top of the frames and stringers to have a flat surface to install the seatback top?

Also in the manual it states that you are to put a fillet on the outside and inside of the rear cabin wall? The outside makes sense, but the inside doesn't.
Should the rear cabin wall be setback about 1/2 inch from the edge of the decking to allow room to apply a fillet? This will leave a little lip on the inside and I don't recall seeing this on any of the blogs. However, this sort of makes sense to push the rear cabin wall back some since the seatback boards are almost too short.

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Re: Seat back Frames and Boards

Postby craig on Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:22 pm

The fillet on the rear cabin wall just refers to filling the gap between the two pieces of plywood where they come together to make it a rounded edge. Unless you are beveling the plywood, you will have some sort of gaps present, and just use thickened epoxy to fill them, then sand a generous round-over across the joint.

I don't remember the seatback frames requiring much attention, but trimming them to fit your particular boat doesn't seem unreasonable (like something is wrong). Just make sure they are in the right place and you get a fair curve across them so that the seatback plywood will sit flush without any funny spots. I remember I had to play around a little bit with placement (but I'm a plans builder, so maybe my pieces were not perfect).
Titania, launched January 2015
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Re: Seat back Frames and Boards

Postby riverron on Sun Jun 04, 2017 6:12 pm

Thanks Craig. I have played with things more and did the tack welds today. I also did more reading ahead in the manual and things make more sense now. This being my first build, I am very cautious and just needed a little clarification.

Thanks again
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Location: Richmond Virginia

Re: Seat back Frames and Boards

Postby craig on Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:22 am

I hear ya! Same for me. Reading another recent post on this forum, I realized I forgot to fiberglass the upper breasthook when I did my build. Oops!
Titania, launched January 2015
Posts: 284
Joined: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:04 pm
Location: Chapel Hill, NC

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