Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

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Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby afairaizl on Wed Aug 25, 2021 6:49 am

Hello all,

I've planned on building a sailboat going on 25+ years now, which started back in the college days. I've been gaining skills for doing a sailboat build since then. Woodworking, metal casting, sculpting, fiberglassing, painting, and then some. You know dreams are manifesting into reality when you've mapped out the space on the garage floor and the materials charge hits your card then receive your invoice. I had specifically measured the length/width of the garage before we bought the house here at the beach on the coast of New Hampshire to make sure that I could in fact build a boat one day. The plans and build guide for this particular boat was bought Oct 28, 2018. Closing date on the new house close to the ocean was Nov 16th, 2018. Some plans take a while to implement. The only thing I didn't check was the height of the garage door. I could have used another foot or so to not have to make the tabernacle removable. Then again, the price and time was right on the house so I'll happily adjust. I have the support of my S.O. and she realizes that the garage (which she called mine anyways) is going to be occupied more than usual. I've been building strip built kayaks, wood surfboards, and restoring other boats in there already.

I received the ship date on my first order of the hull kit and timber which has really set things into motion. I am in the midst of restoration of a 19' strip built kayak by Eric Schade that I am supposed to finish before starting the PS. I need to finish the final glass/epoxy removal and get the final sand and stain complete. Then glass and sand, and more sand, epoxy. It already has a spot along the ceiling that it lives via a hoist and will be out of the construction space. I do need to move around some things including getting some of my extra brew equipment to storage and other larger power tools that I don't plan on using for a while.

??? - Many moons ago in college I promised one day to build a sailboat
Oct 28, 2018 - ordered study plans and build guide
Nov 16, 2018 - moved to new house by water with a functional workshop garage
Aug 3, 2021 - requested shipping quote and verification of kit order sequence
Aug 10, 2021 - received shipping quote and initial invoice
Aug 21, 2021 - Drove to Mystic, CT to see PocketShip #1 and place my order (PocketShip #1 no show, order placed regardless)
Aug 22, 2021 - ordered 125# of lead
Aug 23, 2021 - saw Hull ID number in order - became more real
Aug 24, 2021 - Shipping date email update - time crunch panic ensued lol
Sept 8, 2021 - Shipping from CLC

I'm sure I'll be asking plenty of questions here and there. I've read through the board a few times so far and will continue to do so. I'm still deciding on doing a build blog or not but will likely do that since it helps force me to keep track of processes and any deviations or issues. As far as names go, currently set on 'Dreams Won't Wait.' I'm nowhere near retirement and didn't want to wait or take a chance that I'd not be able to finish or enjoy it.

Looking forward to the journey (maybe except for sanding, but that's SOMEwhat meditative for me)

Drew - Hampton, NH - Build blog

If anyone is around the seacoast area of NH and wants to check on progress or help provide opinions/tips/tricks/help sand ;)/try one of the four on-tap home-brews - pop me a message.
Last edited by afairaizl on Tue Oct 05, 2021 11:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Coastal New England

Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby afairaizl on Mon Aug 30, 2021 5:59 am

Lead arrives today. Spent most of last week after work sanding and prepping for glass on the kayak. I needed to get an emergency order of epoxy and catalyst since 6oz glass for the bottom took more to fill than I had on hand. Organization and rearranging of the garage will happen as soon as the yak is finished. Ship date of sep 8 for the first pallet of PS parts gives me some time still.

Drew - Hampton, NH, USA
PocketShip 'Dreams Won't Wait'
Build Started: Oct 2021
Boat Launched: May 5th, 2023
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby Pastorjim on Tue Aug 31, 2021 8:33 am

Welcome Aboard!!!

I had to laugh when you talked about your significant other... I promised my wife that she would have room in the garage for her car while I was working on the boat. I went so far as to take masking tape and outline the shape of the boat on the garage floor to prove that there would be room for her car and the boat. I even put the building cradle on wheels so that I could easily move the boat around during construction. Once the pallet containing my Pocketship arrived...her car never went in the garage again until we put the boat on the trailer... she was not a happy camper LOL

Enjoy the journey!!!
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby afairaizl on Wed Sep 01, 2021 5:56 am

Thanks Jim! My main requirement I was given was she could still get to the fridge in the garage and know where the normally used tools could be easily found. The 19' kayak is getting glassed diagonally across the garage at the moment so I definitely need to finish that quickly. Emergency epoxy ordered showed yesterday late so I can start on the deck. I sat there rereading the build guide for PS last night. I'm definitely going to need to get the long pieces joined and glass/sand what I can before stitching the hull. Evening temps here are already heading towards the 50s so cooler weather and inside work is arriving quickly. I decided to do a build blog but will likely use one of my existing domain names rather than register a new one in case I decide to change the boat name. Not likely, but easier that way. Still waiting on some new band saw blades, new sander including a bench top one - additions I had planned for years but never got to yet. My tracking spreadsheet for cost is a bit overwhelming already but is helping to keep some semblance of a budget.

Drew - Hampton, NH, USA
PocketShip 'Dreams Won't Wait'
Build Started: Oct 2021
Boat Launched: May 5th, 2023
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby craig on Tue Sep 07, 2021 7:52 pm

Exciting! Can't wait to hear about your progress. I hope it ships tomorrow!
Titania, launched January 2015
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby afairaizl on Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:42 am

Thanks, It actually shipped a day early! Which is awesome but also put a fast damper on snagging a really good deal on a partially built kit near me I found out about very late. I am definitely getting a bit stoked about the whole process. I'm finishing up the kayak restoration (built 7/2001 by Eric Schade) hopefully this week and a part of next week. The bottom is ready for final sand and varnish after I finish up the prep and hot coat on the top deck. That will allow me to break down the surfboard shaping stand and get the yak back up off the floor at the ceiling. I sold off a small workbench for more depth to the garage and my rolling carts will take some of that space allowing for more side to side room. I've got to move some things to storage for the final bit of space optimization. So many things to think of logistically before the parts arrive. I probably need to quickly brew another two batches of beer at least before I lose focus to the PS.

Did anyone actually get to a project plan level of planning for the Pocketship? I saw a few posts on it but never saw anyone share any progress. I may rough a plan out just to keep track of things I can run in parallel once I get going.

IMG_20210906_154632.jpeg (137.51 KiB) Viewed 26949 times

Drew - Hampton, NH, USA
PocketShip 'Dreams Won't Wait'
Build Started: Oct 2021
Boat Launched: May 5th, 2023
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby afairaizl on Wed Sep 08, 2021 10:14 am

wow, I just looked at the shipping info. It's sitting 36 miles from the house as of 9:45am this morning. Living off of Interstate 95 I suppose has its benefits as a direct shot northeast 8 hours from Annapolis. I need to move a bit quicker in space prep lol. :o

Drew - Hampton, NH, USA
PocketShip 'Dreams Won't Wait'
Build Started: Oct 2021
Boat Launched: May 5th, 2023
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby mark48 on Wed Sep 08, 2021 5:36 pm

Hi Drew,

This is very exciting - and bringing back all kinds of memories from not long ago. I live in Lebanon, NH, and periodically travel through the seacoast on my way to Maine. I may have to arrange a visit.

I also have some leftover supplies (FG cloth, I think a lead-melting burner which I'll never use again, a steam-generating set-up for steaming the rub-rails, etc.) Before you think of buying anything new, send me a PM note and I'll what I can find to help out. In fact, since I'm less often on the PS Forum these days, send me a note when you get a chance and we can establish a more direct way of communicating (e.g., emails and phone numbers).

Have a great time!

All the best,
Mark Nunlist (Puffin)
Lebanon, NH
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby afairaizl on Thu Sep 09, 2021 7:40 am

Mark, Thank you and definitely look out for my contact info. My delivery is happening this Monday. I could have done it today or Friday but I still have the varnishing to finish up on the kayak before I take up the space since the 19' kayak is actually set up diagonally in the garage for 360* access. It was hard telling the shipping company to wait a couple of days. This will be better since I can actually have them drop the pallets right into the garage. I had visions of moving sheets by hand and having to stack in creative ways.

Drew - Hampton, NH, USA
PocketShip 'Dreams Won't Wait'
Build Started: Oct 2021
Boat Launched: May 5th, 2023
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Re: Starting new journey - build starts soon - Dreams Won't Wait

Postby afairaizl on Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:40 pm

Well, in keeping with the 'Dreams Won't Wait' theme, apparently another part of the shipment didn't either. Got a call 15 mins before delivery of the epoxy, etc. on a pallet. Now I really need to move some things around. :shock:
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Drew - Hampton, NH, USA
PocketShip 'Dreams Won't Wait'
Build Started: Oct 2021
Boat Launched: May 5th, 2023
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Posts: 69
Joined: Mon Aug 02, 2021 12:26 pm
Location: Coastal New England


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