Lazarette cooler

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Lazarette cooler

Postby slash2 on Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:13 pm

So I’m approaching the point where I’ll be attaching the seat bottoms and will lose the ability to easily do anything different between bulkhead 8 and the transom. Thanks to this forum and the great build blogs I’ve added:
- drain plug at bottom of bulkhead 8
- plastic conduit from the front storage area up to the seat back area
- pre-painted the bottom of the seats (with masking for epoxy connections)
- made a note to add foam blocks under the footwell in the back area (not in my manual)
- I pondered sealing off the lazarette areas from the flotation area but I don’t think I will

Now I’m looking at the storage area under where the lazarettes will be and I’m wondering, since I have all this foam, would it make sense to turn one of those areas into an ice chest? Basically line the area with foam and, somehow, seal it (or drain it somewhere). I haven’t seen any other builds that did this. I know it’s a nice space to give up, but one will usually have cooler, and it seems to be a convenient place to have one.


- Steve Sawtelle
Posts: 180
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:27 am

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