Current Builders' Status

Welcome to! This bulletin board is for builders of the Chesapeake Light Craft-John C. Harris "PocketShip" design, a 15-foot micro cruiser sailboat built from a kit or plans.

For more information on PocketShip, click here:

This site gathers PocketShip builders in one place. Here you can share photos, tips, questions, and---eventually---your sailing adventures in PocketShip! CLC will also post design updates and tips here as they come up.

We'll try to knock down spam as quickly as possible.

UPDATE: An intermittent glitch is rejecting longtime users' attempts to log in, with a message saying the IP is banned. These users have NOT been banned; the solution is to try logging in again (several times if necessary). If that doesn't work, let us know and we will force a reactivation of your account. Thank you for your patience.

Moderator: John C. Harris

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Spam or commercial posts will be deleted.
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Please stay on-topic.
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Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby dbeck on Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:01 pm

During the past weeks, we did lots of smaller things such as cut-outs at transom and bow. Basically, we are preparing for painting the upper hull. Trailer ordered.
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Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:23 pm

Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby Hooky on Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:45 am

I finally installed the cabin deck top. As I discussed in an earlier post, I decided to glass the underside of the cabin top to provide additional strength, however I was concerned the extra glass might make installation difficult. I am happy to report it didn't and the cabin top bent nicely into place.
I am back into the build now after a small break travelling around New Zealand and the southern parts of Australia.
I started construction on the Bowsprit. I am considering a decorative mod to the Bowsprit, check out the pics on my Blog.
Terry from down under.
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Location: Australia

Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby [email protected] on Sat Apr 20, 2024 2:15 pm

Hooky wrote:I am considering a decorative mod to the Bowsprit, check out the pics on my Blog.

Don't forget: the tip of the bowsprit WILL bang into things. Mine was originally squared off with slightly rounded edges, and after the first season it was dinged up, and I sanded the tip to a rounded shape.
[email protected]
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Location: Princeton, NJ

Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby Hooky on Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:59 pm

Thanks for the info Doug, I’ll add a hardwood section to the end of the Bowsprit. Should look nice against the light-colored Hoop Pine.
Cheers Terry from down under
Posts: 86
Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2016 5:49 am
Location: Australia

Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby dbeck on Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:46 pm

We just finished painting / varnishing the upper hull. As with the lower hull, we did go for epoxy primer, then sanding with 240 grid. This was followed by two coats of two-part paint with 400 grid sanding in between the coats. The transom has been varnished with three coats only (we are lazy) of one part varnish, again sanding with 400 grid in between the coats. We basically reused the (slightly simplified) color scheme of #PS1.

There are some imperfections, but there seems to be a general rule that with each coat we introduce a painting bug somewhere. We decided to leave it like this.


2024-04-24_17-34-07.JPG (116.46 KiB) Viewed 36373 times
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Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby dbeck on Sun May 26, 2024 1:54 am

Our boat is sitting on the trailer and we exercised launch and recovery. The bowsprit has it final shape, mast and tabernacle are assembled, the scarf joints on boom and gaff are done.
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Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby slash2 on Sun May 26, 2024 7:29 pm

She’s a yar boat! Congrats!
Steve Sawtelle
Posts: 165
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:27 am

Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby Creekboater on Wed May 29, 2024 8:53 pm

Is this happening to anyone else? When I click on bdeck’s link for ‘excercised launch and recovery’ I get taken to a page that says I’ve been permanently banned from the forum. Fortunately this doesn’t seem to actually be the case since I can simply log back in and away I go. But, weird. Happening to anyone else?
* Jimmy Skiff II
* amateur for sure (builder/sailor)
* impossible to insult my intelligence
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Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby dbeck on Thu May 30, 2024 3:13 am

Creekboater, I have no idea. I just copied the URL of the forum topic "Piccolo -does it float?" and added it into the post, using the URL syntax proposed by the 'editor'. My intention was to provide a reader-friendly text instead of pasting the URL directly.
Posts: 118
Joined: Fri Dec 17, 2021 2:23 pm

Re: Current Builders' Status

Postby slash2 on Thu May 30, 2024 8:42 pm

A few weeks ago I was getting the ‘banned’ message every time I tried to log in, then it happened only occasionally; lately not at all. It was kind of disconcerting.
Steve Sawtelle
Posts: 165
Joined: Fri Jul 09, 2021 2:27 am


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