Center board pennant suggestions - Please

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Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby NC Todd on Fri May 26, 2023 8:33 am

Hey everybody,
I am currently working on a partially completed pocketship kit I purchased in December 2021. The boat is completed to approximately pg 129 in the manual and I have discovered a crucial step that the previous builder(s)-I am the third owner- seemed to have missed - the drilling out of the center board pennant hole while the cb trunk is still open/accessible. I did not notice this at the time of purchase, but after reading and studying the manual a number of times (mostly on the steps ahead) have I found that this hole is not in place. Any suggestions/procedures as to how to drill/fill/drill this hole without fouling the inside of the cb trunk with squeeze out?
thanks in advance,
NC Todd
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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby Creekboater on Fri May 26, 2023 9:18 am


I can't think of any way but drilling a hole from above, taping the sides and filling from the top. Will have to be a tiny hole of course.

* Jimmy Skiff II
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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby slash2 on Fri May 26, 2023 3:16 pm

And don’t forget to check the errata posts as the pendant collar takes a bigger hole than is stated in the manual.
Steve Sawtelle
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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby Tom G on Sat May 27, 2023 12:06 am

Hello Tod. I also purchased a mostly completed PS and discovered several error the builder made. Some were pretty challenging but all have been fixed. The forwarrd sheave was left out and instead installed at the aft end of the trunk near the pennant hole you are fixing. This meant you could only pull the CB up about half way. The builder had also cut off the pennant line to the length specified in the plans . So when I figured out how to install the missing block, the rope was too short to reach so , I had to get the CB down far enough to replace from below boat and fish it back up through the pennant hole.

Any way to your problem. I think you can measure down to correct height accounting for the thickness of the deck and drill straight into the CB slot. The CB does not come right up tight to the area where you might get some squeeze out. You can see on the full size plans that there is lots of room back there. I had to work on my pennant hole some. I rolled up some heavy plastic sheeting into a little cigar shape and pushed it up against the inside of the CB trunk and against pennant hole area ( make it long enough to keep hold of through inspection port hole). This prevented any big squeeze out. It is also possible to inspect this area when you are done using a with mechanics mirror or a inspection scope to see if it is ok. Also , if you plan to drill the hole oversize and fill and redrill smaller , you can fill the hole in a couple stages with a syringe and probably prevent squeeze out. Good Luck. Tom PS Tortuga
Tom G
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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby dbeck on Sat May 27, 2023 1:50 pm


we did drill-fill-drill, and everything from the footwell, while the deck was not yet installed. Of course we've taped the hole inside the centerboard trunk, prior filling with thickened epoxy. Actually we filled this using a plastic 'straw-tube' attached to the end of the pastry bag. Everything worked out nicely.

In your situation, I would try the same. The only difference is that you have to attach the tape to the inside of the centerboard trunk via the inspection ports. Via the inspection ports, you can also check for any mishap and clean away squeeze out (if any). Remember that the inside (!) part of the hole needs to be carefully sealed too. I can't imagine how this would work by just drilling a hole from above.

While the inspection ports are open, check that the sheave and its shims are properly installed.

If things go to wrong terribly, I would cut open some part of the deck on top of the centerboard trunk.

A weird idea: If you would do the 'fill' later, after the first flip of the boat (with keel up), any squeeze out would be less harmful, as gravity will pull it towards the top (!) of the centerboard trunk.

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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby [email protected] on Sat May 27, 2023 4:41 pm

A related point: before you drill the pendant hole, make sure you know how the mainsheet block will be attached to the deck above it.
You want to be sure that the screws holding the block are solidly seated, and they don't interfere with the pendant hole.
I think I ended up putting the pendant hold maybe half an inch lower than the plans specified.

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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby Creekboater on Sun May 28, 2023 8:24 am

Brent has a good post for filling from above. In your case you’ll have to drill through your deck, but that’s ok. Your inspection port should give you access to tape up on the inside.
* Jimmy Skiff II
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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby NC Todd on Tue May 30, 2023 7:28 am

thanks for all the advise and suggestions. i did crawl under the cockpit seats over the weekend and there does seem to be pretty good access to that face of the cb trunk through the access ports (good design-thanks JH!) - as suggested, i will drill through front wall of footwell, then tape from access ports, fill from footwell, inspect and clean up - should work fine.
i assume if these areas were assembled accurately, a centered hole will hit the center of the cb trunk - we shall see.

thanks again

NC Todd
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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby Creekboater on Tue May 30, 2023 8:44 am

Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
* Jimmy Skiff II
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Re: Center board pennant suggestions - Please

Postby dbeck on Tue May 30, 2023 3:17 pm


i assume if these areas were assembled accurately, a centered hole will hit the center of the cb trunk - we shall see.

Ah, you have a point there. I guess you need to assume, that the center of the trunk is at the joint of the two deck halves. If the previous builders used transparent tape on top of the trunk (see manual page 111), you should be able to see this joint from the inspection ports below with your smartphone camera. If not or in doubt, you could drill a very small (2mm) hole through the deck joint above the inspection ports and check it is centered.

BTW: I have prepared a rather large thick (6 cm) template on a press drill that I clamped to bulkhead 8 for drilling the big hole for the pendant; just to be sure the hole will be aligned properly.

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