Electrical Wire Run

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Electrical Wire Run

Postby Hooky on Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:34 am

Time to run some wires.
When designing the wiring run, I considered the following:
1) I did not want wires visual in the cabin area.
2) The wiring harness needed to include power for the following: DC power outlets, cabin lights, Nav lights, stereo speaker, GPS/Fishfinder power and transducer, bilge pump and future solar power and motor charging wires.

I split the above wiring into two conduits that ran from BH2 under the floorboards to junction boxes on the transom in the lazarette storage areas. The wiring then ran up into the port and starboard aft seat back storage areas and then forward through conduits to the main cabin.

To reduce voltage drop on the DC power and main earth I used larger diam wires (4.5mm diam) from BH2 through to the junction boxes in the lazarettes. The larger wires continued forward to the cabin area. As the cabin and Nav lights are all LEDS I reduced the wiring from the lazarette area to the forward cabin area to 2mm diam.

All wiring was twin core tinned marine grade and to reduce doubling up of negative wiring I only ran positives for the Cabin and Nav lights. I also ran nylon pull chords with the wiring harness so I could pull through any future wiring.

I have a full description and pictures on the blog, check it out.

Terry from down under.

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Joined: Sat Apr 30, 2016 5:49 am
Location: Australia

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