On page 270, the manual suggests a small block of 3/4" thickness to achieve a bit of rake in the mast.
In an old forum post [1], John writes
Set up the shrouds so that the mast can't pivot forward and cantilever itself against the tabernacle,
My interpretation of the latter statement is, that the erected mast is supposed to have contact only to the pivot bolt but not the 3/4" small block at the bottom of the tabernacle.
My question: Do you remove the 3/4" block after the shroud length has been set? Or do you leave that block in and you tighten the jib halyard only that much, that the bottom of the mast does not touch that block?
[1] viewtopic.php?f=3&t=633&hilit=shroud+bulkhead&start=20#p4387