When I finished my Pocketship a year ago i knew I needed a cover for it. I wasn’t ready to make one so I bought a mid-grade plastic tarp from Lowes. It didn’t even last a year. Luckily I finished a ‘real’ cover just in time.
I keep my boat at a state park on a trailer and can keep the mast up. My initial thought was to make a cover that went from mast to stern to protect the mainsail and keep leaves and rain out of the cockpit and cabin. But this leaves the jib unprotected from UV. So I would need to add UV resistant strips to the jib or make a cover for it. At the same time I wanted a full winter cover as well. I thought I could make the ‘summer’ cover with zippers at the for end and add a cover for the bow for winter. This started to seem over complicated and I realized that lowering the mast after each sail is really not a big deal. So I decided just to make a full winter cover and use it year round . I followed the directions from Sailrite for a Quick Winter Cover. I simplified it even more by not making as separate skirt piece. For a novice sewer and poor craftsman, it actually came out ok. I added boots to cover the bowsprit and mast top. The cover is made from Top Notch 9 fabric. Hopefully it will far outlast a year.