So, some tips for legitimate PocketShip fans who want to post on the board:
1. If your username is gibberish, like "fjzh8fxh", I won't even bother to check your IP. You don't have a chance. Use something coherent like "Michael in Oregon" or whatever. Or, hey: here's a concept! Use your ACTUAL NAME.
2. If your email address is gibberish, like [email protected], I probably won't bother to look any further. We don't bug users with emails of any kind, nor is your address visible to users, so you can use your personal email address without fear of being spammed by anyone.
3. Since actual humans review new members, it might take a couple of days to get to your application. Please be patient, we won't forget you!
4. While I'm sure there are lots of people in various Eastern European and Asian countries who are genuinely interested in PocketShip, 99 out of 100 of your comrades are trying to spam this bulletin board. Please send an email through CLC's Contact page if you're having trouble joining.
Thanks for your patience. Your Admin, striving to keep us from being fouled by spam since 2007.