Different, easier mast construction

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Different, easier mast construction

Postby DanaDCole on Wed Apr 23, 2014 10:19 am

I noticed this idea for constructing a square mast on the WoodenBoat site that looks to me like it could be adapted for use on the PocketShip, but would like to hear from more experienced builders/sailors: http://www.woodenboat.com/“new”-method-hollow-wooden-mast-construction

After previewing this, I saw that the second part of the URL is not underlined--probably because of the quote marks. So you will most likely have to copy and paste the whole thing to get there. Or, just click on the first part and when you get to the WoodenBoat site, click on "Whiskey Plank."

I have already prepared the staves for my mast, but am considering this idea for when the day comes (and it probably will) that I have to replace the mast.
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