Reefed down

Welcome to! This bulletin board is for builders of the Chesapeake Light Craft-John C. Harris "PocketShip" design, a 15-foot micro cruiser sailboat built from a kit or plans.

For more information on PocketShip, click here:

This site gathers PocketShip builders in one place. Here you can share photos, tips, questions, and---eventually---your sailing adventures in PocketShip! CLC will also post design updates and tips here as they come up.

We'll try to knock down spam as quickly as possible.

UPDATE: An intermittent glitch is rejecting longtime users' attempts to log in, with a message saying the IP is banned. These users have NOT been banned; the solution is to try logging in again (several times if necessary). If that doesn't work, let us know and we will force a reactivation of your account. Thank you for your patience.

Moderator: John C. Harris

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Spam or commercial posts will be deleted.
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Please stay on-topic.
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Reefed down

Postby chaertl on Mon Sep 14, 2015 11:24 pm

Hi everyone,

I went out against my better judgement today and sailed fully reefed for only the second time. The Chucky B. actually handled slightly better then under the full main alone with just a hint of weather helm which I've always preferred. The first time was slightly less then successful with two kids rolling across the cabin while texting " oh my god we're going to die" to all their friends", but that's another story. This time was a pleasant surprise in comparison. It helps immensely when you know to reef before leaving the dock.

Posts: 133
Joined: Sun Jun 13, 2010 8:40 pm
Location: Minnesota

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