
Welcome to PocketShip.net! This bulletin board is for builders of the Chesapeake Light Craft-John C. Harris "PocketShip" design, a 15-foot micro cruiser sailboat built from a kit or plans.

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Postby jwv630 on Thu Jun 06, 2013 4:33 pm

Hi Everyone:

The bulkheads are now ready to stitch into the hull now that the cleats are on. Does it makes sense to give them and the transom 2-3 coats of epoxy before installation? Can't find anything in the manual on this.

Jimmy Vitale
Posts: 141
Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:12 pm

Re: Bulkheads/Transom

Postby decurtis on Fri Jun 07, 2013 10:48 am

Just keep reading further ahead in the manual. The hull is fiberglassed inside up on to the bulkheads and transom and then everything gets 2 or 3 coats of epoxy. There will be nothing on your finished Pocketship that does not end up being fiberglassed and/or epoxied.

Happy building,
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Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Re: Bulkheads/Transom

Postby truenorth on Fri Jun 07, 2013 4:51 pm

Yes, it actually is in the manual on page 57. Put 2-3 coats of epoxy on each and sand them down to 120 before installation. As others have said, in hindsight, I would've left the cleats off until after fiberglassing the hull. It's a bit of a bear to get the 'glass to fit with the cleats on. Not a big deal, just be prepared for some crafty fingerwork.
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Re: Bulkheads/Transom

Postby jwv630 on Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:30 pm

Dave and True:

Many thanks. Good advice.......onward!

Jimmy V
Posts: 141
Joined: Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:12 pm

Re: Bulkheads/Transom

Postby Bflat on Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:03 am

The manual on page 57 says to apply at least two coats of epoxy to the the parts, but does not say to apply fiberglass. It seems they don't get glassed until after they're installed in the boat. It does seem like it would be much easier to apply the fiberglass before adding the cleats (like Truenorth observed).

In fact, It seems to me that the cleats would be best added after the floors are glassed into the hull.
The cleats could be fitted and cut while the floors are out of the boat, but not actually glued on until after the floors are attached, filleted and glassed.

It sure seems like that would be easier and get the same result. Is there a good reason not to do it that way? Am I overlooking something?

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Location: North Central Wisconsin, U.S.

Re: Bulkheads/Transom

Postby Bflat on Sun Jun 09, 2013 11:09 am

In re-reading this series of posts it seems I've pretty much duplicated what Truenorth already said.

Just to be clear, Truenorth, are you saying to leave the cleats off until after the floors are glassed to the hull?

Thanks in advance,
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Location: North Central Wisconsin, U.S.

Re: Bulkheads/Transom

Postby truenorth on Mon Jun 10, 2013 8:57 am

Bob, yep, that's pretty much what I'd recommend. I'll add, though, that the original idea was told to me by Chris, another builder, and I am belatedly agreeing 100% with him. I didn't fully appreciate what he was suggesting until I was hanging in the hull trying to 'glass. If I had to do it again, I'd leave the cleats off until after fiberglassing. The cleats should, individually, get 2 coats of epoxy and sanded down prior to installation, but only after the bulkheads and transoms are installed and 'glassed.

Just fit & mark them but don't install them. The cleats should fit pretty well in the boat if you do that. Kit builders will also note that some of the holes in the hull for the wires go through the cleats themselves once on, reinforcing the idea they should be left off. One final note -- the upper cleats on bulkheads #1 and #2 can be installed right away as 'glass doesn't get that high.
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Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:10 am

Re: Bulkheads/Transom

Postby Bflat on Mon Jun 10, 2013 7:18 pm

Thanks, Truenorth.
I'll be at that stage in a couple weeks I think.
Bob in Wisconsin
Posts: 263
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Location: North Central Wisconsin, U.S.

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