Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

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Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby Shudoman on Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:34 pm

On pages 110-111 of the manual it has you drill the hole for the centerboard pendant. The process is basically drill out a 5/8" hole. Fill it with thickened epoxy and let dry. Then drill out a 3/8" hole. I did this and now I'm on page 276 where it says to install the thimble to protect the line. The problem is that the thimble supplied with the "PocketShip Hull Hardware" package from CLC (Part RON PNP183) has an outside shank diameter of 5/8" and will in NO WAY fit into a 3/8" hole. The manual states that they used a RWO #R3042 and it worked perfectly. Judging by the picture it couldn't have worked in a 3/8" hole.

Now I'm left with how to get this to fit (I DO want the abrasion protection of the thimble).

I was thinking this would be the best option.

1. Pull the pendant back into the centerboard trunk to allow clearance to drill. I'm able to reach into the trunk through the inspection port and feel where the rope enters the hole. I'm pretty sure I could get it back in if I had to either by directly pushing it through or running a fish in and pulling it back out.

2. Bore out a 5/8" hole centered over the current 3/8" hole just to a depth that will accept the shank of the thimble.

3. Swab the inside with epoxy to seal the wood.

4. Feed the line back through.

5. Thread the thimble onto the pendant line.

6. Set the thimble into the hole.

It sorta sucks having to do this now that the finish has been applied. Has anybody else got an easier idea or has run into this problem before?


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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby JonLee on Tue Dec 31, 2013 10:34 am

I didn't drill out the hole with a big enough diameter bit and had to redrill, pretty much using the process you outlined. It would have been a great idea to have fit that part before installing the centerboard!
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby truenorth on Tue Dec 31, 2013 4:14 pm

Sorry to hear about trouble, Bill, but appreciate you posting here so future builders can be aware of the issue!
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby DanaDCole on Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:44 am

Sorry you guys had to learn the hard way, but you're right, it really helps the rest of us. I guess I'll drill a 3/4" hole, fill it with epoxy, then re-drill it to 5/8" I'll be sure to add this to my blog so maybe more people will catch it.

I really wish CLC would send addendum sheets for this kind of stuff. The sheets could also be attached to the manuals they sell in future--until they update it. Maybe we should send them a list of confirmed problems from the forum and lobby them to write up the addenda. It shouldn't be terribly hard for them to do.
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby DanaDCole on Thu Jan 02, 2014 10:54 am

Truenorth, one other thought occurred to me: It's going to be pretty hard to swab the inside of the hole in blocking that is 1 1/2" thick. And you have the possibility of epoxy dripping inside the trunk. Is there any way you can reach in there and put some tape over the hole, or jam a rag up against it?

If you can do either, there are ways, though difficult, to enlarge the hole. Then you could fill it with thickened epoxy and re-drill it to 5/8. But, do you really need the epoxy ring in addition to the thimble? Probably not.
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby truenorth on Thu Jan 02, 2014 11:21 am

Well, Shudo/Bill was the original poster and the complication was that everything was already put together. Since my decking isn't on the boat yet, it will be very easy to install. The risk of mucking up the trunk is real but manageable by taking preventative measures and being diligent about any leaks. I'll be using the fill and drill method. That plus the thimble - on both sides! - should provide years of protection.
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby DanaDCole on Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:51 pm

Sorry, I was mixing your post with Shudo post. So, I hope he is able to keep epoxy drips out of his trunk. I don't see any reason why I can't go ahead and put the hole in there now and fill it, even though I haven't assembled the keel yet. I would think I could install the sheave for the pendant also. Might be easier to do now than after the boat is practically built.

Am I missing something? At work so can't refer to manual.
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby DanaDCole on Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:04 pm

OK I'm home and looking at page 110--I see the problem now. There is also the bulkhead plywood to drill through, so I need to wait until the centerboard is glued to it. At least I know now to drill the hole to 3/4" and then re-drill to 5/8". I'll write that in the manual (I'm a long way from that step). They don't point out in the manual that you should put tape on the inside surface before adding the epoxy.

I'm seeing lots of things in this manual that to me indicate that it is written for more experienced builders. With that in mind I will rely more on my experience building the 17LT and the Skerry and make more of my own decisions based on experience and common sense. In this case, though, it would be next to impossible to know that the hole is the wrong size unless you had already purchased the thimble.
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby Bflat on Sat Jan 04, 2014 8:49 am

Thanks for posting about this. I've marked it in my manual.
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Re: Centerboard Pendant Thimble Problem

Postby DanaDCole on Sat Jan 04, 2014 9:35 am

You are most welcome, but the real thanks goes to "Shudoman" for the first post on this. Also I looked up the Ronstan PNP183 bushing just to be absolutely sure and the O.D. is definitely 5/8".

Someone with more diplomacy and tact than me should write CLC about this and recommend an addendum sheet sent to all known builders and also include one with all the manuals that go out. (Or they need to explain why the manual is correct.)
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