Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

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Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

Postby riverron on Thu Jul 20, 2017 6:47 am

Did anyone put multiple layers of fiberglass in the bow area? The area seems to give some when I push on it, but I am sure when I install the dorade boxes and cabin deck, things will stiffen up!

Thanks Ron
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Re: Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

Postby Bflat on Thu Jul 20, 2017 4:46 pm

I put many layers of 6 oz cloth on the stem area and especially on the front of the keel. I put a couple layers on the general bow area as well as the bottom. I figure that as long as inside ballast is required, the extra weight down low, might as well do something - So I opted for more glass. I didn't do it for extra stiffness, but for protection against abrasion and dings although I suppose extra stiffness is a benefit. As a consequence, I bought lots of glass cloth and lots and lots of epoxy. You mentioned the dorades so I think you may be referring to the foredeck. Like some others I opted to put one layer of glass on the bottom surface of the foredeck foredeck before installing in addition to the 2 or 3 on top.
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Re: Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

Postby riverron on Thu Jul 20, 2017 8:04 pm

Thanks Bob. Yes, I was referring to the foredeck where the Dorade boxes are. Per your suggestion, I will plan on installing a couple more layers of glass in that area. I didn't put glass underneath in that area. I guess I should have read more ahead on the forum. I did put glass underneath on the cockpit area though.
I haven't gotten to the point of flipping, but I do plan on putting multiple layers on the outside of the bow. I did install multiple layers of glass and tape and some huge fillets in the furthest inside of the bow. I will definitely have to order more glass and epoxy to finish too, but I think the extra expense will make me feel more comfortable.

Please share video and pictures of you "splash". We are all looking forward to another one!

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Re: Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

Postby John in CC on Fri Jul 21, 2017 6:23 pm

I did put more than one layer on my foredeck. Not sure if it was necessary but it made me feel a bit better.

I seem to feel more secure standing on various areas of the deck and cabin when the boat is in the water as opposed to when the boat is on solid ground.
John in CC
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Re: Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

Postby JonLee on Wed Aug 02, 2017 9:06 pm

I reckon it'd be overkill to have more than one layer on the foredeck. You've got the under-deck support from bulkheads 1&2 (which are what, 1' apart?), the cleats on the hull sides between the stem and bulkhead 1, and the big honkin' fillets between bulkheads 1 and 2. Topside, you have fillets all the way around.

I have a single layer, and it'd swear its the most rigid part of the whole boat. It seems pretty bulletproof.
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Re: Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

Postby TassiePete on Fri Aug 04, 2017 1:44 am

Today I finished the glass inside the bow area. I have a single layer of glass forward of bulkhead 1, with the fabric overlapping at the joints between the panels. Before the cloth went in, I glued fibre glass tape over each fillet. For the deck I plan to use a single layer of glass on the underside (to take the load when standing/walking on top) and, of course, a layer of glass on top. On the outside oh the hull, tape along the center-line and overlapping glass should be sufficient (?).


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Re: Multiple layers of fiberglass in bow area?

Postby riverron on Fri Aug 04, 2017 9:14 am

I think you should be fine. I added a 2nd layer on the outside of the foredeck just to make it more durable. I was not too concerned with me standing, but with throwing the anchor in that area. I also plan on installing the slip mats that CLC sells. That should also help to protect that area.
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