Forward Sheer-clamps

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Forward Sheer-clamps

Postby TassiePete on Wed Oct 11, 2017 12:46 am


I made up and installed (one of) the forward sheer clamps. At the bow the top of the sheer clamps is flush with the panels (and will be with the breast hook). As the sheer-clamp runs aft, the top rises above the panel, because the inside edge has to line up with the top of the Dorade box, bulkhead 2 and the rear cabin panel. The part of the sheer-clamp between the rear cabin and the Dorade box gets bevelled to match the curve of the cabin roof. I am unsure what to do with the forward part from the Dorade box to the bow. There are a some options:

1) plane the top down of the sheer-clamp to the level of the panel - that would taper the sheer-clamp the 'wrong way'.
2) glue a thin trip plywood on top of the panel against the sheer-clamp, cut that flush with sheer-clamp and round-over with 1/4" bit.
3) hit it with a 1/2" round-over bit.

The second option is probably the cleanest. Any ideas on this would be appreciated.

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Location: Port Huon, Tasmania ( Down Under )

Re: Forward Sheer-clamps

Postby riverron on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:02 am

I am in the process of shaping these with a block plane. On the underside edge of the sheer-clamp, I did a round-over all along the edge.
On the top side as you mention, it will angle up from the breasthook to the dorades. I started to plane and was angling it down gradually.
my thought to have it always higher on the inside until it gets to the breasthook where it will be level.

For mine, the outside edge will be rounded over, because it will have fiberglass coming over the top. I will probably do this with just a sanding block to have more control. On the inside edge, I didn't see anything about rounding over, but again with the fiberglass coming over the top, I think I will probably just do the same with a sanding block.

I agree #1 is not the way to go.
I am not sure what you are saying for #2
So I will go with door #3 and using a round over. I would use a manual method instead of power tools, but that is just me. I would also wait until you are planing everything. You don't want to take too much off before.

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Re: Forward Sheer-clamps

Postby mark48 on Wed Oct 11, 2017 7:09 am


I did what Ron did in his first two paragraphs, using a block plane and spokeshave. Other builders have done this as well, shown in their blogs. I also agree with his last two sentences.

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Re: Forward Sheer-clamps

Postby TassiePete on Wed Oct 11, 2017 3:24 pm

Thanks guys. Just to clarify, my second option is essentially to extend the panel upwards to the top of the sheer-clamp with a thin wedge of ply. Without the gradually changing bevel, the edges of the sheer-clamp would be 90 deg. from the bow to the Dorade boxes and could simply be rounded over. I guess, I can glue some strip on the sheer-clamps/panels and see what it will look like. It can always be 'undone' ...

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Location: Port Huon, Tasmania ( Down Under )

Re: Forward Sheer-clamps

Postby riverron on Thu Oct 12, 2017 5:23 am

Okay, I understand option #2. I am slow sometimes! :lol: You can definitely do that. I think once you plane the sheer clamps to be equal with the dorade box angles, you may remove everthing you added. Take a look at it when you have everything In place just before you start to shape It and you can make the decision then. You still have time to add if you want to.

P.S, I have been following your blog and it looks very nice! You will be passing me shortly!
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