Bulkhead stitching Question

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Bulkhead stitching Question

Postby Jarod on Wed May 16, 2018 9:33 am

So I have been plugging away at my pocket ship and I'm getting to the fun stitch and glue. So I got the bottom stitched to the keel, bulkhead 4 in place, I prob need to fit it a tad better with some sanding. But then I got bored of that and Stitched one of the side panels in. Then I noticed there was no way I was going to be able to stitch in the other bulkheads without balancing on the keel or rigging up some mission impossible ball crusher and hanging from the ceiling.

Is it wise to stitch the smaller bulkheads (cabin floor bulkheads 3-7?) before finishing the side panels? Or I'm just crazy in thinking the bottom panels will not hold my 200 pound body.

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Re: Bulkhead stitching Question

Postby Pastorjim on Wed May 16, 2018 3:07 pm

Hey Jarod... I'm pretty sure that there isn't an easy way... at least I sure didn't find one... LOL
But, there was a thread awhile back with some advice on this. I think the title was "Recommendation for initial tack welds"


Good luck and have fun!!!
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Re: Bulkhead stitching Question

Postby riverron on Thu May 17, 2018 9:53 am

I would not step on the bottom panels directly. You would probably hear a lot of cracking. I managed to balance on the keel to get a couple of the bulkheads stitched in place. I then used a 1X12X4ft board and laid it across them. Be sure to clamp both ends down or you will be flying!
This will give you a platform to stand on to stitch the others and as a platform to do fillets on the various bulkheads and laying glass.

This worked for me and I had to climb into my boat to do all the work, since I had the cradled/boat raised up on dollies to be able to move around.

Note: Reminder to double check bulkhead 2 cleat. I recall there was an error in the height on the plans. If you are not aware, get back with me and I will search and provide the details.

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Re: Bulkhead stitching Question

Postby riverron on Thu May 17, 2018 9:54 am

I would not step on the bottom panels directly. You would probably hear a lot of cracking. I managed to balance on the keel to get a couple of the bulkheads stitched in place. I then used a 1X12X4ft board and laid it across them. Be sure to clamp both ends down or you will be flying!
This will give you a platform to stand on to stitch the others and as a platform to do fillets on the various bulkheads and laying glass.

This worked for me and I had to climb into my boat to do all the work, since I had the cradled/boat raised up on dollies to be able to move around.

Note: Reminder to double check bulkhead 2 cleat. I recall there was an error in the height on the plans. If you are not aware, get back with me and I will search and provide the details.

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Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:29 am
Location: Richmond Virginia

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