
Welcome to PocketShip.net! This bulletin board is for builders of the Chesapeake Light Craft-John C. Harris "PocketShip" design, a 15-foot micro cruiser sailboat built from a kit or plans.

For more information on PocketShip, click here: http://www.clcboats.com/pocketship

This site gathers PocketShip builders in one place. Here you can share photos, tips, questions, and---eventually---your sailing adventures in PocketShip! CLC will also post design updates and tips here as they come up.

We'll try to knock down spam as quickly as possible.

Moderator: John C. Harris

Forum rules
Spam or commercial posts will be deleted.
This is a civil forum: no flames or drunken tirades.
Please stay on-topic.
PocketShip's Web Page: http://www.clcboats.com/pocketship
If you need CLC customer service: http://www.clcboats.com/forms/contact_us.html
We'll try to delete spam as soon as it appears.


Postby SMHolmans on Fri Sep 13, 2019 11:19 am

Hi all. Couple of questions about the floorboards …

Where the boards butt against the sides of the hull, do builders chamfer the edge underneath the board to sit snugly against the sides or do we have a vertical edge? I hope that makes sense.

Also, any top tips on how to make a fair curve in the boards along the sides?


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Joined: Wed Sep 20, 2017 7:38 am
Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

Re: Floorboards

Postby riverron on Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:19 pm

I don’t thing I used a chamfer bit and that sounds like a good idea! I think I used a plane and rasp to make the angle on the outermost pieces so the fit snug against the sides.

For the curve, I used a piece of long wood trim to make the curve and held in place with weights and clamps. See December 2016 on my blog. I really need to finish this build! Lol.

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Joined: Fri Aug 07, 2015 10:29 am
Location: Richmond Virginia

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