Centerboard penant

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Centerboard penant

Postby chaertl on Thu Apr 09, 2020 12:09 am

Hi Everyone,

Long time no post. Just pulled the Chucky B. out of winter storage and everything seemed to hold up just fine. That said, the centerboard pennant is going on ten years old at this point and looking kind of questionable. Has anyone had to replace theirs's yet? If so how did you do it with the boat on the trailer?


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Location: Minnesota

Re: Centerboard penant

Postby Wayne G on Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:26 am

Hi Chris,

I haven’t replaced the pennant and I’m not certain it could be done on the trailer.

The options I can think of are:
1. Jack up the boat off the trailer and remove the center board.
2. Careen the boat at a dock or ramp to access the centerboard and pennant.
3. On the trailer, access the pennant via the CB inspection port and splice in a new piece below where the pennant runs over the sheave (assuming the pennant wear is where it is in contact with the sheave).
4. Don’t mess with it until the pennant fails (my preferred choice).
Wayne Gray
Orlando Florida
Wayne G
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Re: Centerboard penant

Postby JonLee on Sun Apr 19, 2020 6:35 pm

When I replaced my whole centerboard, I did the careen at the dock option. Even with all the ballast removed, and 3-to-1 purchase on a line to the masthead, it took some effort to pull the boat onto her side--I tied up the boat ramp for quite a while, but had picked a very quiet off season day. I taped a smaller line to the cockpit end of the pendant so that I would have a way to easily fish the new line through.

In a recent issue of Small Boats Monthly, the was an article on building you own gantry crane to lift your boat. Looks pretty straightforward, and I might consider doing something like that to lift the boat off the trailer (and set it down on blocks) if I ever had to do work on the underside of the hull again.
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Re: Centerboard penant

Postby chaertl on Mon Apr 20, 2020 6:40 pm

Thanks guys,

I should have done this a couple years ago when I took it off the trailer to inspect the bottom of the keel. Might just do that again this year since I'm planning on repainting and it hasn't been rigged yet. The pennant is still functional but it's 9 years old and looking pretty rough. The launch I use is pretty shallow for about 100 yards out and I'd hate to have try and drag a board across the bottom that far if it broke.

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