hull paint overlap at waterline

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hull paint overlap at waterline

Postby MattaOTS on Mon Aug 17, 2020 11:54 am

I'm painting my hull using black Trilux 33 below the waterline and pre-kote primer along with Brightsides fire red above the waterline. Since the antifouling is darker than the above the waterline paint, the black trilux should go on top of the red when masking to create the line between the 2 colors, right? Is it OK to extend the pre-kote and brightsides below the waterline then paint over that with the black trilux to create the line in the colors, or is another technique needed? The pre-kote and brightsides cans say they are for above waterline use. If they get covered in the trilux will there be any problems?
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Joined: Mon Jun 19, 2017 8:31 am

Re: hull paint overlap at waterline

Postby riverron on Tue Aug 18, 2020 7:58 pm

As long as you are not leaving the boat in the water for long times, John Harris has stated that the Brightside is fine below water line.

I painted below the waterline with Interlux 33 white. No pre-coats.
Above the waterline, I used PreKote Gray and then Dark Blue Brightside.
I then added the White Brightside stripe.

I am not sure about the Black Trilux over the Red Brightside or mixing types of paint.
I think I would get a small can of Black Brightside to do the stripe over the Red Brightside.

You can check with CLCBoats or Jamestown Distributors. The may be able to offer some more information or advice.

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