Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

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Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

Postby Pasi in Finland on Sat Feb 05, 2022 5:13 am

I am at a stage where i need to drill the hole for the boom gallows support tube through the seatback top. Looking at the prototype and all the pictures I can find it seems everyone has placed the support in front of the cleat. Playing around with the parts it would seem you’d want the tube as aft as possible to keep the support structure away from the locker opening providing more space, but then it will not leave very much space for the mooring cleat making it feel crammed.

Is there a reason to have the cleat aft of the gallows support tube? I was thinking of having the tube aft of the cleat, but am I missing something, like the actual support if the boom being too far aft?

Pasi in Finland
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:37 am

Re: Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

Postby [email protected] on Sun Feb 06, 2022 10:02 pm

You have to be sure that the boom will rest on the gallows. Check the plans carefully to see how far the boom sticks out past the gallows.

On my boat (where I considered both the plans and lots of photos of PS #1 and other boats), the forward edge of the pipe is maybe 1/2" aft
of the aft edge of the cubby-hole opening.

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Re: Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

Postby JonLee on Sun Feb 06, 2022 11:54 pm

You also have to be able to install the mounting hardware for the gallows staunchions. It's a pain already to mount them near the cubby...too far aft and you'll never get a drill or screwdriver in there.
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Re: Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

Postby Pasi in Finland on Mon Feb 07, 2022 3:28 am

thanks for the tips gentlemen!

My plan is to support the boom gallows tube with a sturdy piece of oak glued to the bottom of the storage compartment with a 25mm hole in it. I've seen this done in a couple of blogs and seemed like a great idea. The mounting hardware would then be on top of the seat back to prevent the tube from coming out with its locking screws. So basically I would be able to complete the tube support structure with the seat backs not glued and the storage compartment fully accessible, and therefore don't need to be able to reach the support later on.

I just need to be sure both the booms will reach the boom gallows if it is further aft...

Happy building!
Pasi in Finland
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:37 am

Re: Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

Postby Tom G on Wed Feb 09, 2022 1:07 pm

I would recommend you keep the cleat aft of the gallows. My boat (I did not build hull) was set up with cleat AHEAD of gallows. On a couple of occasions the main sheet would snag on the cleat. This occurred during a jibe maneuver and could be dangerous. When you are sailing down wind the sheet can lay over the side of cockpit seat backs. The main sheet attachment on rear of boom is close to gallows so as you jibe the sheet goes pretty far aft and potentially snag on a cleat located ahead of gallows stanchion if you don't keep the slack out of it as you jibe. I understand a a proper jibe would keep the sheet controlled as you maneuver through the wind .. but it is a sailboat ... things don't always go as planned!
I moved mine aft and like it much better. If you feel the cleat is a bit crowded between back of gallow stanchion and transom skirt it can easily be remedied by adding a little pad under the cleat to raise it up. Mine is not a problem to use back there.
Tom G
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Re: Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

Postby Pasi in Finland on Sat Feb 12, 2022 11:22 am

Thanks Tom for the comment! Did not think of that and luckily while I've marked to hole aft of the cleat I have not drilled it yet.

I need to give this some serious thought. In high winds you really don't want anything going wrong, and snagging the mains while jibing can certainly be scary and in worst case get you wet, and not only in the underwear department :)
Pasi in Finland
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:37 am

Re: Boom gallows support and mooring cleat

Postby Hooky on Thu Feb 17, 2022 4:36 am

Hi Pasi, in addition to the previous comments I suggest keeping the cleat aft of the gallows tube due to when anchoring or tieing up the boat near shore or on a mooring or jetty it prevents the rope pulling around the gallows tube, this can be a problem if anchoring in a high wind or high current.
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