PocketShip Build in Europe

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PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby dbeck on Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:11 am

It's about one year since we started on this project and I think it's time to share a few things ... We are building from kit (fyneboats, UK) and I'll be posting some photos on our progress from time to time. The main focus will be on things we do differently than described in the manual.

We did not want to pour lead (too dangerous, no backyard). Instead, we use a mix of lead shots and epoxy. To compensate for the reduced ballast in the keel, we'll need more ballast under the floorboards. In addition, the centreboard requires a second opening to hold the same weight as poured lead. Below is a trial fit of the centreboard in the trunk during the build.
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And here the centreboard loaded with a mix of epoxy and lead shots.
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The front section of the keel filled with lead and epoxy (and one cent to bring luck). You may realize some parts are mortised. This is already done during trial fit and an alternative to temporary screws. It does not increase strength but prevents 'slipping' of critical pieces when they are finally glued with epoxy and clamped.
2022-04-30_15-29-41.jpg (64.73 KiB) Viewed 64437 times
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby dbeck on Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:13 am

This is our workshop, it's height is about 5 meters. The staircase leads to an attic; up there is a workbench and more space to work. On the left there are floor boards and side panels already joined. Upper and lower side panels are glassed and sanded on the inside.
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The keel has been laid and floorboards stitched to the keelson. We just followed the manual.
2022-06-23_17-57-01.jpg (70.38 KiB) Viewed 64360 times
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby dbeck on Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:18 am

Brent's blog - https://idahopocketship.wordpress.com/2 ... -in-place/ - describes a different order in building: The bulkheads get installed first and side panels later. We thought this is a great idea since it will simplify glassing and sanding the sections between the bulkheads a lot. But we were worried about the complex shape of the bow and subsequent issues further down the road. As a compromise, we did not install bulkhead 1-3 at this stage.

Bulkheads 4-8 are installed and all sections in between are filleted, glassed and sanded. This is a view from the attic.
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Another view from the bow. You may realize that the cleats for later installation of the floorboards are still missing. This eased filleting, glassing and sanding. The cleats will be glued later. This photo also shows some temporary screws to push down the floorboards onto the cradle.
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Here, side panels, transom and remaining bulkheads are installed and tack welded. This went quite well. Bulkhead 8 needed minor trimming at the sides.
2022-09-04_15-10-05.jpg (87.46 KiB) Viewed 64382 times
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby dbeck on Sat Nov 19, 2022 9:21 am

As a curiosity, we had to scratch our heads when installing the transom. It took some time until we figured out it was bent. Why? We don't know as it was flat when we received it and it was stored on a flat surface. Our theory: The inside surface received three coats of epoxy some time ago but not the outside. Over the past weeks, the two surfaces responded differently to changes in temperature/humidity and the transom became bent. Whatever. In the end, we forced the transom straight during mounting prior fixing it to the floor and side panels with temporary screws.

Next, we filleted and glassed the chine joining floor and side panels. Glass tape plus additional glass overlaps have been used at the chine to increase strength. The joints of all bulkheads with floor and/or side panels received additional strips of glass on top of the fillets (we were not sure if this is advocated by the manual, but it felt the right thing to do).

Whenever possible, glassing is done immediately onto the 'wet' fillets: First, we want to avoid the tedious job of sanding fillets. Secondly, we believe this method provides superior strength.

This shows the front part of our boat after glassing. As we plan for a removable tabernacle, bulkhead 2 has received two additional backing plates.
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Everything got sanded and cleats installed to the bulkheads. There is additional cleating on bulkhead 4 and 6 as we plan for a different layout of the lift-out sections. We also started with cleats for the deck. You may realize the increased width of the cutout for the footwell at bulkhead 8 - we decided to copy this idea by Brent - https://idahopocketship.wordpress.com/2 ... r-braydon/ . The white patches close to bulkhead 8 are a first test to level out the transitions between glass sections by using epoxy thickened with micro spheres. This was done everywhere in between bulkheads 1 and 8.
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The inside got painted with 2k PU color. Yes, it requires mixing two components but we did not bother after mixing quite a lot of epoxy during the past year. We hope 2k will be more durable. The painting was done prior fitting the floorboards; winter is coming and we are afraid it will be too cold for working with epoxy and paint soon.
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That's it for now,

Last edited by dbeck on Sun Nov 20, 2022 2:30 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby Dmitriy on Sat Nov 19, 2022 6:14 pm

Good job! Keep going, good luck!
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby Hooky on Sat Nov 19, 2022 7:29 pm

G,Day Dietrich,
Mate, good job on the build, it’s coming along nicely. I am very impressed with your building in such a confined workshop space, I can see why you have deviated from the manual. Keep the pics coming, she looks great.
Cheers Terry from down under
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby slash2 on Sun Nov 20, 2022 8:57 am

Looking good!

Nice alternate idea using epoxy and lead shot. Any idea what the weight difference is?

Looking forward to seeing more progress, though sounds like you have the same problem I have - no heat in workspace. For small things I successfully used a tarp and a light bulb in a reflector. Luckily I do have a basement that stays warm enough and was good for spars, rudder, hood, etc.
Steve Sawtelle
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby dbeck on Sun Nov 20, 2022 5:13 pm

Hi Steve,

according to the manual there should be 57.8 kg of lead (keel: 48.8kg + centerboard: 9kg). Our mix of lead shots plus epoxy weighs 35.2 kg, thus there are about 22.6 kg missing.

BTW: This option is not our idea but mentioned on page 7 of the manual.


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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby slash2 on Sun Nov 20, 2022 7:41 pm

Ah - good data point.

I had missed the reference in the manual, but I bought a partially built Pocketship so the first several pages were skimmed.
Steve Sawtelle
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Re: PocketShip Build in Europe

Postby [email protected] on Mon Nov 21, 2022 1:26 pm

Pouring the lead keel isn't as difficult or dangerous as you might think. It worked out great for me.
BTW, here is a story about a trickier and more difficult casting job: https://www.bartleby.com/library/prose/1252.html

[email protected]
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