Sailing Pocketship around the Greek islands?

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Sailing Pocketship around the Greek islands?

Postby athan on Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:08 am

Dear Pocketship forum,

Hi to all from Greece. I'm Athan and I'm considering a relativery easy to build, budget, seaworthy trailer sailer for small trips of 15-20 miles around the Greek islands during summer weekends, with good sailing performance and week-end camping accomodation for me and my girlfriend.
Sailing around the Greek islands though might get tricky sometimes, because of the NE summer wind gusts of F6 or more (meltemi).

In small passages between islands the waves might not that big but the blow is very strong.

So, good stability and overall good sailing performance - especially upwind - is a must.

I have no experience with gaff rigs. I hear that "a square rigged boat cannot operate well in the close reach position, as the maximum deflection offered is typically 45 degrees off the running position". So is this type of rig is any good for upwind sailing performance?

Would Pocketship be a solution for me? or a 15 footer is simply out the qustion anyway?

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:30 am

Re: Sailing Pocketship around the Greek islands?

Postby John C. Harris on Sun Aug 08, 2010 8:04 pm

>>>>>>>>>So, good stability and overall good sailing performance - especially upwind - is a must.

As long as there is plenty of weight on board, this is the right boat. If you don't have much gear aboard, add more lead ballast beneath the floorboards. 100 kilos or so.

I've never sailed there, alas, but from what I've read you won't encounter anything better or worse than my basic filter for the boat: The stretch of ocean between Miami and the Bahamas. (To be crossed on a good weather report with skilled sailors aboard.)

I have no experience with gaff rigs. I hear that "a square rigged boat cannot operate well in the close reach position, as the maximum deflection offered is typically 45 degrees off the running position". So is this type of rig is any good for upwind sailing performance?

Yes. Reports to the otherwise are propaganda from people who have never known anything but triangular sails. If tall jib-headed rigs are high-revving petrol engines, gaff sails are diesels with loads of torque. Both will get you to windward, and I'd prefer a gaffer to keep speed up in lumpy seas and strong winds.
John C. Harris
Posts: 182
Joined: Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:39 pm

Re: Sailing Pocketship around the Greek islands?

Postby athan on Mon Aug 09, 2010 9:52 am

Dear John,

Thank you for taking the time to post a reply to my topic. It was very kind of you.
Is there something like a "wind direction vs velocity chart" available for the Pocketship? Nothing formal just some rough figures out of experience?

BTW, I love high torque diesel engines ;-)


Posts: 6
Joined: Fri Aug 06, 2010 4:30 am

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